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Olivera Tatalovic Finds her Superhero Moment

In honor of last month’s National Protocol Officer Week, PSOW sponsored a “Superhero Moment” contest where entrants were asked how they used their protocol expertise in a particular job or setting. After reviewing entries from around the world, we have selected Olivera Tatalovic as our 2015 winner, receiving a complimentary tuition to a scheduled 2015 Protocol Officer Training program.

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Modern Etiquette: Professional Exit Strategies

According to a fall 2014 report from the U.S. Department of Labor, more American workers are on the move than ever before. The report states that 2.8 million people quit their jobs last September—the highest number since April of 2008. In addition, another 1.6 million workers left their jobs due to layoffs and terminations. That means nearly 4.5 million workers were faced with a very important question—what is the best way to leave a job?

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The Student Perspective: Day Four from Auden Healey

THE PROTOCOL SCHOOL OF WASHINGTON: DAY FOUR September 29, 2014 Today I attended SpeakersTrainingCamp taught by Sue Gaulke. Sue really embodies what she teaches: engaging, effective public speaking. We learned that there are different times throughout the day when we present ourselves to others, for example when leading a meeting, conducting training and in everyday informal situations. We learned that audiences prefer enthusiasm and passion in a speaker and they dislike a monotone voice.

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The Student Perspective: Day Three from Auden Healey

THE PROTOCOL SCHOOL OF WASHINGTON: DAY THREE September 28, 2014 Today I learned to Dine Like a Diplomat. Our tutorial luncheon featured a six-course meal including a soup, fish, sorbet, meat, salad, toasting, dessert, and then finger bowl, each with accompanying beverages. The food was delicious and beautifully plated and served. This was my first experience with a finger bowl, and what I discovered is that once you know how to use a finger bowl, they are really not intimidating.

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The Student Perspective: Day Two from Auden Healey

THE PROTOCOL SCHOOL OF WASHINGTON: DAY TWO September 27, 2014 As we attend more classes together and cover more material, we become more relaxed and you can really see our group’s personalities emerging. I am feeling comfortable and challenged here. The photos above show me with our two instructors for class today, with Pamela Eyring on the left and with Leah Hawthorn on the right.

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The Student Perspective: PSOW Day One from Auden Healey

THE PROTOCOL SCHOOL OF WASHINGTON: DAY ONE September 26, 2014 Today was my first full day at The Protocol School of Washington, and we learned How to Succeed in the International Arena, taught by Robert Hickey. Mr. Hickey was kind enough to pose for a photo with me during one of our breaks. He is a very engaging teacher and I greatly enjoyed our class today.

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Why did you initially come to PSOW?

Meet Patricia Butera - Graduation Date: April 2014 Why did you initially come to PSOW? I came to PSOW to attain my certification as an etiquette and international protocol consultant. I spent approximately 18 months researching the best schools around the globe that offer this type of program. The curriculum offered by PSOW is quite unique - Not to mention the trainers! I was truly inspired by the experience.

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"What advice would you give..." : PSOW grads tell their story.

Meet Sheryl Miller - Graduation Date: March 2012 Why did you initially come to PSOW?  Attending the Protocol School of Washington was on my ‘to do list’ from the early 1990s as I observed a gradual decline of civility occurring in the work environment. I recognized social skills as the cornerstone of success and it became a lifelong dream to establish my own company, to bring this specialist training to individuals and businesses. Based on research conducted, I discovered that The Protocol School of Washington was the global leader in the industry and offered the high level of training and certification that I needed to realize my dream. Today, I am very glad that I made that choice.

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Meet Zhenya Pankratieva

Meet Zhenya Pankratieva - Graduation Date: April 2014 Why did you initially come to PSOW? To help international companies to work on different markets and appreciate the different cultures

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