Why did you initially come to PSOW?

Meet Patricia Butera - Graduation Date: April 2014 Why did you initially come to PSOW? I came to PSOW to attain my certification as an etiquette and international protocol consultant. I spent approximately 18 months researching the best schools around the globe that offer this type of program. The curriculum offered by PSOW is quite unique - Not to mention the trainers! I was truly inspired by the experience.

What was your biggest take-away? I have two equally important “take-aways” from attending the consultant course. I never expected to meet and bond so uniquely with the graduates of my class. A wonderful, diverse and talented group of men and women - all of whom deserve all the success in the world. Attending PSOW reinforced my passion for the industry and that I can make a difference specializing in International business protocol. My experience has made me even more determined to represent a service area that has not yet reached its full potential in this region.

Are you consulting full-time, part-time, or within your company organization? I am consulting full-time.

What does your typical day look like now? I generally start at 6 am with email and diary management for an hour and check on news headlines. This helps me set my bearings for the day/week. I then resume at 10am and will usually begin with some research of potential customers, calls to set up introductory or follow up meetings and then there is a lot of reading and planning. I am qualified and offer cross-cultural communication as part of my service offering. In this regard I do a lot of research to ensure I have relevant content for training program development. My typical office day ends at 4pm. I am currently undertaking further studies online and I dedicate a couple of hours in the evening twice a week for this as well.

What is the best part of having your own business/consultancy? The best aspect of being a business owner is that I am doing something I absolute love doing 100% of the time. Whilst the journey so far has been challenging, every aspect is thrilling for me. I reap the rewards every day because I am doing something I am passionate about. It’s incredibly satisfying.

How long did it take for you to get your business “off the ground?” It has been almost 3 years just to launch – seems like a long time but to put things in perspective, I also have a 3½ year old daughter and 1 year old son. I began researching back in 2011, writing the business plan and developing a marketing strategy as well as embarking on further studies which has taken the bulk of the time.

The research and study are ongoing commitments as International Business Protocol is not static. There are always emerging trends and shifts, particularly in the cross-cultural aspect of my business so it is vital to stay connected and in-step with what’s relevant and current.

What was the scariest part of starting your own business? There’s always a level of uncertainty – will it work, won’t it? Starting your own business is risky on many levels. In my career, I have, for the most part, been the person behind the person so to step into the spotlight was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone.

How long have you been in business? Just under 6 months.

What are your favorite things to teach? “How to Succeed in the International Area” is a terrific program that blends all the important elements to develop international business protocol acumen. This training course gives me the opportunity to delve further into my specialty area of cross-cultural communication.

I Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I am optimistic for the future. This business, the industry are the right fit for me and I am doing what I was always meant to be doing so I hope that in 2019, 60ZONE is still going strong. In 5 years’ time I would love to be able to bring my PSOW colleagues down under as ‘guest’ speakers and presenters. One at a time though!

What advice would you give to those who are considering taking the Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant course? This course has provided me with the confidence and every tool and resource imaginable to teach corporate etiquette and international protocol. I experienced first hand how PSOW make every effort to ensure participants succeed. The training and mentoring provided – not to mention the support offered once you graduate – are all first class.

In other words – don’t think twice – just do it!

Website: www.60zone.com

LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/bnAWeER

Twitter: @60zone_IBP


"The best part about having my own businesses is..." : PSOW grads tell their story.


"What advice would you give..." : PSOW grads tell their story.