"The best part about having my own businesses is..." : PSOW grads tell their story.

Meet Praveeni Perera - Graduation Date: October 2013  Why did you initially come to PSOW? I wanted to upgrade my skills and knowledge in the area of international protocol.

What was your biggest take-away?My biggest take-away from the program was the marketing knowledge and strategies covered. I really enjoyed learning about the different avenues available for Etiquette Consultants to get their name out in the business community.

Are you consulting: full-time, part-time, or within your company or organization? I am currently consulting full time.

What does your typical day look like now?  I don’t have a typical day as every day is different for me. My day usually starts at 7 am with updating all my social media profiles and reading up on the latest etiquette and protocol news and updates. Between 9 am and 5 pm I’m usually consulting or conducting training seminars. I have a break ‘til about 8 pm at which point I’m at work again as I deal with international clients and have to work around time differences.

What is the best part of having your own business/consultancy? The best part about having my own businesses is the freedom to work according my own schedule and travel as often as I like. Many people complain about business trips but it’s something I truly enjoy.

How long did it take for you to get your business “off the ground?”It took be about 8 months to a year to get my business off the ground. There was a lot of behind the scenes work that went in to it from developing a functional website to going to my first meeting with a potential client.

What was the scariest part of starting your own business? The scariest part of starting my own business was taking the first step and putting myself out there as an Etiquette Consultant. Meeting potential clients for the first time is always a little scary but once I came to the realization that the worst thing they can do is say No, I got over that fear.

How long have you been in business? I have been in business for 3 years.

What are your favorite things to teach? My favorite topics to cover are Business Etiquette, Cultural Awareness and Networking.

Also, I would like to comment on the “who” as well as the “what “ I teach. I so enjoy the 19-33 year-olds. I get an enormous amount of enjoyment watching their faces as I give the tools to excel in their various walks of life.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 5 years I see myself having completed my second book on etiquette (I’m currently in the process of publishing my first book) and expanded my business internationally. I work with many clients from South Asia thus I would like to have a branch of my businesses somewhere within the South Asian subcontinent as well. I also seem myself expanding my reach within Canada.

What advice would you give to those who are considering taking the Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant course? My advice to those who are considering taking the Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant course would be to invest in the training program and increase their knowledge and upgrade their skills. I think the course is a great opportunity to network with fellow etiquette professionals and share knowledge, ideas and insight. I would also advise potential students to ask questions and actively participate in class discussions.

Website: www.proedgeconsulting.ca


Twitter: @proedgeconsul | @praveeniperera


Modern Etiquette: Rules of the road for telecommuters


Why did you initially come to PSOW?