"What advice would you give..." : PSOW grads tell their story.

Meet Sheryl Miller - Graduation Date: March 2012 Why did you initially come to PSOW?  Attending the Protocol School of Washington was on my ‘to do list’ from the early 1990s as I observed a gradual decline of civility occurring in the work environment. I recognized social skills as the cornerstone of success and it became a lifelong dream to establish my own company, to bring this specialist training to individuals and businesses. Based on research conducted, I discovered that The Protocol School of Washington was the global leader in the industry and offered the high level of training and certification that I needed to realize my dream. Today, I am very glad that I made that choice.

What was your biggest take-away? That would be greater self confidence! The training I received at the Protocol School of Washington instilled in me a new level of confidence that enabled me to make my company a reality.

Are you consulting: full-time, part-time, or within your company or organization? I work full-time as the CEO of my company, Pinnacle Reach, and I enjoy every moment!

What does your typical day look like now? There is really no ‘typical’ day at Pinnacle Reach; being the first training company of its kind in the Cayman Islands my days are busy. Course offerings are multifaceted and focus on corporate and social etiquette, international protocol, image, personal branding and transformational coaching. On any given day I could be facilitating a seminar or workshop, or conducting a one-on-one coaching session. What is typical is the profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that I feel at the end of every day knowing that I am making a positive difference in the lives of many.

What is the best part of having your own business/consultancy? I love people and have a great respect for the spirit and unique nature of each person I encounter. The opportunity to positively impact the lives of so many wonderful people is the absolute best part of having my own business, and for that I am very grateful. Being able to choose how I work allows me to dedicate time each month to charitable work, especially with the unemployed in our community. Observing the transformation from shyness or insecurity to individuals possessing a heightened self awareness and a new confidence is remarkable and tremendously rewarding.

How long did it take for you to get your business “off the ground?” It took approximately ten months for me to get everything organized and ready for business.

What was the scariest part of starting your own business? My first group presentation was probably the scariest experience.

How long have you been in business? I have been in business for approximately one and a half years.

What are your favorite things to teach? I especially enjoy teaching Business Etiquette classes and the specialty programmes that I produce to meet the specific requirements of my clients.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I believe in positive thinking, extraordinary decisions, bold action and elegant solutions. In five years I see myself leading a highly successful company and being grateful for the honour of guiding and empowering my clients to discover their own uniqueness, have the confidence to reach their goals and live greater, freer, fuller and more expanded lives. In so doing I will be positively contributing to the family of humanity, while cultivating a more gracious society.

What advice would you give to those who are considering taking the Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant course? Follow your dreams! This is a fantastic experience and I would encourage you to invest in yourself, take the course and do the work. If you do, I am confident that you will come away with a fresh, new outlook at life and a greater confidence to pursue a bright and limitless future.

Website: www.pinnaclereachcayman.com

Facebook: Pinnacle Reach


Why did you initially come to PSOW?


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