The Student Perspective: Day Two from Auden Healey

THE PROTOCOL SCHOOL OF WASHINGTON: DAY TWO September 27, 2014 As we attend more classes together and cover more material, we become more relaxed and you can really see our group’s personalities emerging. I am feeling comfortable and challenged here. The photos above show me with our two instructors for class today, with Pamela Eyring on the left and with Leah Hawthorn on the right.

Pamela Eyring taught Outclass the Competition Business Etiquette. She is a talented speaker who used great visual examples. We discussed body language and the importance of people skills – how we convey information about ourselves verbally and non-verbally. We practiced handshaking, making an entrance to a room and entering and exiting a group conversation. My favorite part about these scenarios is that while they can be awkward and challenging no matter your experience level, there are straightforward principles you can follow to handle any situation. 

Leah Hawthorn instructed us on Business Image for Trainers and performed bodyline and color analysis for each of us. Her energetic and upbeat style made an unfamiliar topic approachable. I learned the components of being well dressed, as well as the distinction between style and fashion. This is not something I thought about previously, but the difference is that style is what looks good on you/your personality, and fashion is always changing/what is current. I especially have noticed that from year to year or season to season, the style that fits me well may not be in fashion, so I can have a hard time finding even staple pieces. Which is of course why we ladies need to go shopping so often! 

What particular styles or pieces have been hard for you to find this year? 

Auden Healey


The Student Perspective: Day Three from Auden Healey


The Student Perspective: PSOW Day One from Auden Healey