Chris Yu, Winner of the NBEW Video Challenge 2014

Meet Chris Yu, winner of the National Business Etiquette Week contest. Graduation Date: September 30, 2014

How did you hear about the school? My friend at work shared with me about a guest speaker who spoke about protocol and etiquette. I felt this was a valuable skill set for my department and I asked my friend to help connect me with the guest speaker from which I learned the speaker was from The Protocol School of Washington.

Why did you decide to make a video and attend this training? I decided to make a video and attend this training because I believe protocol & etiquette is an invaluable skill set! It is important for everyone for both personal & professional development.

What has been your favorite part of this training so far?My favorite part of the training so far has to be "Dining Like a Diplomat!" Pamela did a fantastic job teaching the group on how to navigate through the receiving line, dining etiquette, and toasting! It was real fun and informative.

What was your biggest take-a-way (or learning point) so far? The biggest learning point so far is the P.R. Primer by Robert Hickey. He did a wonderful job teaching the importance of networking and how to network, which is just as vital to the success of a Protocol & Etiquette Consultant.

What are the next steps for you after graduating? The next step for me after graduating, is to start applying what I learned from PSOW. I plan to begin transitioning to become a Protocol & Etiquette consultant over time. I am proud to be part of the PSOW group!


Modern Etiquette: Essential tips for the office party


Modern Etiquette: At business meetings, impressions are important