How to Bounce Back from Life’s Most Embarrassing Moments
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How to Bounce Back from Life’s Most Embarrassing Moments

No matter your station in this life, there is one thing that we all have in common—our humanity. And because we are all human, we’ve all experienced moments of imperfection, faux pas, and public embarrassment. But just like children learn after falling off their first bike, the most important thing is getting right back up and starting over again. So when it comes to some of life’s most embarrassing moments, don’t run and hide, take it like a woman (or man) with these solutions for a quick recovery.

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Manners Cost Nothing but are Highly Valued in the Workplace
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Manners Cost Nothing but are Highly Valued in the Workplace

Even though good manners cost absolutely nothing, using them can be one of your most valuable assets in the workforce. Having good manners and using them to guide your own behavior and your professional relationships sounds simple enough but often people underestimate the value of this personal commodity. Most important, good manners show you have respect for yourself, your coworkers and colleagues, as well as your office environment. #MannersCostNothing

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Shaking Hands
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Shaking Hands

With National Handshake Day being celebrated June 27, brush up on the protocol and etiquette of a good handshake so you will know how to properly extend your hand in any social or business situation.

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5 Essential Etiquette Rules for Using Social Media in Business
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5 Essential Etiquette Rules for Using Social Media in Business

When it comes to social media, most of us know there is a distinct defining line between our personal and professional profiles. While it may be perfectly acceptable to post a funny “face swap” video of you and your toddler, putting that same video on your LinkedIn profile might lead people to question your professionalism. But to help you keep your business (and sometimes personal) profiles on-brand professionally, here are some essential rules to follow:

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Jukebox Hero: Jeannie Vaage
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Jukebox Hero: Jeannie Vaage

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW), we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Jeannie Vaage is a 2013 graduate of PSOW. Here's what she shared with us!

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Jukebox Hero: Liz Bryant
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Jukebox Hero: Liz Bryant

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW), we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Liz Bryant is a 2018 graduate of PSOW. Here's what she shared with us!

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Jukebox Hero: Omar Alvarez
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Jukebox Hero: Omar Alvarez

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW), we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Omar Alvarez is a 2017 graduate of PSOW. Here's what he shared with us!

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Jukebox Hero: Stayce Wagner
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Jukebox Hero: Stayce Wagner

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW), we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Stayce Wagner is a 2011 graduate of PSOW. Here's what she shared with us!

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Checking in with our 2018 NBEW Winner: Madelyn Ridgeway
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Checking in with our 2018 NBEW Winner: Madelyn Ridgeway

As we make final preparations for this year’s National Business Etiquette Week, we checked in with Madelyn Ridgeway—an event planner from Waterloo, IA—and winner of last year’s NBEW Contest where we asked entrants to explain why they would like to be the next Business Etiquette Superstar. Today, Madelyn updates us on what she learned with her recent PSOW experience, how she benefited from the training and how she plans to be a “bright light” superstar in promoting etiquette.

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Pet Etiquette
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Pet Etiquette

We want to remind dog owners everywhere that April is officially Active Dog Month—a time to get moving with your four-legged friend so you can both benefit from physical activity in the great outdoors. We have some friendly Pet Etiquette Tips that will give you and your pet a new “leash” on life…

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Meet Jennifer Laurence
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Meet Jennifer Laurence

After submitting two entries in prior contest years, the third time proved to be magic for Jennifer Laurence, the winner of our Magic of Protocol Contest in honor of National Protocol Officer Week. Learn more about Jennifer’s winning entry and about her unique experiences in protocol as an estate manager consultant and owner of

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