Our Jukebox Hero: Pamela Eyring

In preparation for National Business Etiquette Week, we learned a little bit more about PSOW president and owner, Pamela Eyring

How do you utilize your PSOW training?  By using it daily since 1994. I can apply it in everything I do. By giving a pleasant greeting and enjoying small talk with the woman who takes my dry cleaning, giving advice to my children on what to wear for special events or interviews, to giving presentations about the school and our graduates to dining with diplomats. I can find a way to use my training both in my personal and professional life.

What topics do you teach the most (or favorite topics to teach)? All of them! Life and social skills are my favorite including intercultural business etiquette, networking, negotiations, sales, starting a business, personal leadership and dealing with difficult people. I am a life-long learner and enjoy sharing what I learn with others (who will listen).

How has PSOW had an impact on your life/career? It’s not the school – it’s the people of the school that has given me the biggest impact of change. Dorothea mentored me to be a great trainer, wear appropriate clothing to impress, pushed me to better my grammar (well, she tried) and to be a nurturer (and part-time psychologist). She believed in me which helped me believe more of myself. This was most powerful when I left the USAF and “went in debt” to purchase the school. She gave me courage to take this leap and I never have regretted it. I have learned from each one of my staff members striving to be a better leader as well as from our trainers and graduates. I am impressed daily by the work they do every day to make the school the most recognized name in protocol and etiquette training. They have pushed me, challenged me, embraced and pushed back on my ideas for change or growth. This incredible team and our graduates have pulled me from the depths of hell when my son died 3 ½ years ago by giving their love and support. I am blessed.

What advice would you give to those who are considering attending a course at PSOW? Take all of our courses! Seriously, do your homework and be an educated consumer. Learn about yourself and identify what you want from your future career. Invest in yourself if your organization doesn’t support your educational goals. Investing in yourself is critical and no one can take your education away from you. Lastly, call us if you are unsure or need help to visualize your future. Whether you come to our school or not, we are always more than happy to share advise in the protocol profession.

Is there a song in which its lyrics resonate with you? Nickelback’s Lullaby lyrics. With the increase of suicides rising daily, I wish a person thinking about it would listen to this song and ask for help first. Confide in someone and just give yourself another day. It can get better and there are people who love you.

Who is your favorite musical artist? Today, I would say P!nk and Nickelback. P!nk gives me the “kick-butt” energy every time I need it and my favorite Nickelback songs warm my heart when feeling life’s numbness.

If there's one thing we should know about you, it is.... I enjoy hugs!


Business Etiquette: The Soundtrack


Pet Etiquette