Jukebox Hero: Liz Bryant

How did you utilize your PSOW training?

I went through the training in preparation to launch by own business etiquette consultancy.  Having not only the resource materials, but the network of contacts within the PSOW family is of great value to me.  

What topics do you teach the most (or favorite topics to teach)?

I love teaching dining etiquette.  I also really enjoy working with folks on networking.  For me, it’s about helping people learn the rules and techniques to gain confidence to be more successful. 

How has PSOW had an impact on your life/career?

Going through the course of study at PSOW was an important piece of the foundation I needed to launch my business, Liz Bryant Business Etiquette.  The PSOW name is respected and gives me a solid credential aside from “I was raised right and I know what I’m doing.”

What advice would you give to those who are considering attending a course at PSOW?

Do it!  It’s an investment in yourself and your career.  My time at PSOW was valuable on so many levels.  It was affirming that I had indeed chosen the right career and I also very much enjoyed the sessions on marketing and contract negotiation.  I can’t recommend it enough.  

Is there a song in which its lyrics resonate with you?

Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now by McFadden & Whitehead.  I love the positivity of it.   

Who is your favorite musical artist?  And why?

Stevie Nicks.  For her musical talent and the fact that at age 70 she still rocks it on stage in platform stiletto boots. 

If there’s one thing we should know about you, it is … I drive a stick shift convertible. 

Liz Bryant

2018 PSOW Graduate



Business Etiquette: The Soundtrack—Musical Reminders to Enhance Your Professionalism


Jukebox Hero: Omar Alvarez