Jukebox Hero: Omar Alvarez

How do you utilize your PSOW training?

I apply it in my every-day life. PSOW training has, inarguably, enabled me coach and mentor [younger and new] colleagues – and – actively contribute in the enhancement of the prestige and reputation of my organization and strengthening and fostering relationships with our international partners.

What topics do you teach the most (or favorite topics to teach)?

Given our commitment to our partners and recognizing the importance of our ability to apply proper diplomacy, I would say that my favorite topics to teach are Cultural Awareness and Global Awareness. It is also the topic organizations here in Germany request the most, after Protocol Officer/Action Officer training and Dining Etiquette.

How has PSOW had an impact on your life/career?

The impact PSOW has had in my life and career is immeasurable. Not only the training we receive is the best in the world, but it is taught by the best in the world. The passion and commitment that the school shows to new students as well as Alumni, is unparalleled. I went to “training” at PSOW but I’m constantly “going to school” with my PSOW family.

What advice would you give to those who are considering attending a course at PSOW?

Do not deprive yourself of a life-changing opportunity. I have had the blessing of attending two courses [so far] and I can’t wait to attend another. PSOW training provides unlimited opportunities for success. The world-class education one receives at PSOW, is proven to give their Alumni a competitive edge with personal and professional skills that can be used in any career field - it helps you establish a solid reputation with unquestionable credibility and it broadens one’s horizons on the global business landscape.

Is there a song in which its lyrics resonates with you?

Well, as a trained Jazz musician, I can’t answer without parti pris. I usually listen to instrumental music because it lets me paint a picture for myself – but – if I have to mention one song, it would be “On the Sunny Side of the Street”.

Who is your favorite musical artist? And why?

In this moment, I would say Maria Schneider. I especially like her writing because it is powerful yet gentle; it’s expressive and ruminative. It doesn’t confine you to one feeling and it allows a journey that otherwise would not be possible. It frees the mind.

If there’s one thing we should know about you, it is…

I can’t go five minutes without trying to make someone laugh – totally the class clown. Pamela knows…

Omar Alvarez

2017 PSOW Graduate


Jukebox Hero: Liz Bryant


Jukebox Hero: Stayce Wagner