Business Etiquette: The Soundtrack

The Protocol School of Washington Presents its 13th Annual National Business Etiquette Week with a tuneful twist.

From Aretha Franklin teaching people all about R-E-S-P-E-C-T to Kenny Chesney asking Can’t We Get Along? the music world is full of tuneful reminders of the importance of using courtesy and civility in both personal and professional settings. As these memorable songs provide inspiration and influence in our daily lives, The Protocol School of Washington is taking a tuneful approach to celebrate National Business Etiquette Week (June 2-8) with Business Etiquette: The Soundtrack.

“Music is one of the most effective methods in trying to educate and inspire people from all walks of life. That’s why we are using a musical theme to help promote civility and restore decorum in the business world during National Business Etiquette Week,” said Pamela Eyring, president and owner of The Protocol School of Washington (PSOW). “Since we initiated this annual observance, PSOW has helped business professionals all around the world enhance their interpersonal skills, promote cross-cultural sensitivity and yes, teach people to treat others with mutual R-E-S-P-E-C-T.”

In observance of the week, PSOW will offer tuneful tips on website and social media channels to remind business professionals the importance of using civility, decorum and respect to create their own business etiquette “soundtrack.”

PSOW is also extending its musical theme Business Etiquette: The Soundtrack to the general public in a special contest. Entrants can suggest existing songs that promote civility and mutual respect, offer up an original tune that helps people understand the importance of etiquette and civility in the workplace or be creative and interpret the theme as it relates to business etiquette.

Submissions can be made through videos, social media posts, PowerPoint presentations, or essays—with the selected winner given a complimentary tuition ($7,300.00 value) to any Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer scheduled courses.

Update: Contest is now closed.


Checking in with our 2018 NBEW Winner: Madelyn Ridgeway


Our Jukebox Hero: Pamela Eyring