Meet Erin Crotty "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR
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Meet Erin Crotty "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Erin Crotty is a 2011 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

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Our 2017 NBEW Winner Interview
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Our 2017 NBEW Winner Interview

As we prepare for National Business Etiquette Week, we checked back in with Tammy West, winner of last year’s NBEW Contest with her entry on toxic behaviors to avoid in the workplace. Today, Tammy fills us in on her recent PSOW training and how she benefitted from the training.

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"Memorable experiences are what protocol is about after all."
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"Memorable experiences are what protocol is about after all."

During National Protocol Officer Week, we caught up with Andrew Loeb Shoenig, winner of last year’s NPOW contest who captured—on film—a minor protocol breach involving a US flag being gifted to the wrong dignitary and how he was able to reconcile the situation. This year, we catch up with Andrew to get his reflections on his recent PSOW complimentary training, his current plans as well as his thoughts on the importance of protocol in today’s world.

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Protocol in a Time of Tragedy: PSOW Graduates Help Florida International University Heal from a Tragedy
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Protocol in a Time of Tragedy: PSOW Graduates Help Florida International University Heal from a Tragedy

During times of tragedy, we look for answers to help assuage our grief but we also long for a sense of order to help us restore stability in what can feel like a chaotic time. This is when protocol can be instrumental in helping us to properly pay our respects but to also help us regain a sense of normalcy. Nowhere was this truer than the response to the recent pedestrian bridge accident that took place on the campus of Florida International University in Miami.

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Mispronounced Words to Ban from Your Vocabulary
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Mispronounced Words to Ban from Your Vocabulary

According to noted author and former presidential speechwriter James Humes, “the art of communication is the language of leadership.” As Humes so eloquently points out, what we say and how we say it truly matters and proper grammar—along with correct pronunciation—are the pillars of effective communication. However, there are some words that prove bedeviling to many and their incorrect usage or pronunciation can quickly derail any conversation. To help keep your professional and personal brand from being tarnished by mispronunciations, we present some of the most commonly misspoken words in the English language.

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Office Life 101: A Tune Up Guide for the New Year
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Office Life 101: A Tune Up Guide for the New Year

Now that the holiday season is behind us, the reality of a brand-new year has set in and many of us struggle to keep the new year’s resolutions we made just weeks ago. If you are having trouble making it to the gym, waking up an hour earlier or meeting any of those self-imposed new rules you set for yourself, don’t worry. You’re not alone. In fact, according to U.S. News & World Report, approximately 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions have already failed by the second week of January.

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Announcement: Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant is now the Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer Course
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Announcement: Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant is now the Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer Course

We live in an exciting and challenging world—one in which our globe seems smaller and our business and personal relationships are untethered by the traditional boundaries of oceans, airspace and borders. Modern technology, politics, trade and governmental relations bring people of different cultures together more than ever and we all face the challenges and benefits of creating and maintaining these very powerful professional and personal connections.

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Cell Phone Etiquette: Places where you should definitely just hang up!
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Cell Phone Etiquette: Places where you should definitely just hang up!

It’s been a while since the former Verizon spokesman asked, “Can you hear me now?” But when it comes to the ubiquitous use of cell phones in everyday society, we not only hear you now, we hear everyone else too—nearly everywhere we go. From concerts and movie theaters to restaurants, elevators, restrooms, waiting areas and nearly every place that a phone tower signal can reach, electronic interaction is at an all-time high. But just because we can talk to anyone at any time and at anyplace doesn’t necessarily mean we need to.

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The Problem with "No Problem"
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The Problem with "No Problem"

As an organization that advocates etiquette, decorum and respect in all levels of communication, we want to talk about the phrase, “No problem.” For some, it’s used as a replacement for the standard “You’re welcome” and for many others, it’s simply a phrase that is absolutely unwelcome.

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U.S. Meeting Etiquette: Simple Tips to Make Meetings More Effective and Faster
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U.S. Meeting Etiquette: Simple Tips to Make Meetings More Effective and Faster

There are tons of things we like about our jobs, but if you ask people what is one of the most dreaded tasks that office workers are asked to do on a regular basis it has to be the mandatory meeting. Office meetings certainly do get a bad rap, and deservedly so because most of them are disorganized and distracted because most people are simply doing them incorrectly. However, when you consider some simple tips, meetings are an important tool for collaboration, getting your team on the same page, and to keep work flow moving smoothly.

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How to be "Manners Mindful" at Work
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How to be "Manners Mindful" at Work

We hear a lot about the concept of “mindfulness” these days, with all of us being reminded to be “present” and “aware” in nearly every situation imaginable. Mindfulness defined is the human ability to be fully present, to be aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and to avoid being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

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Inter-generational Differences in the Workplace
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Inter-generational Differences in the Workplace

“For every generation, there is a gap.” Of course, we are borrowing a mid 1990s slogan of a clothing retailer, but for those who remember the ad—and for those who don’t—communication can be a major hurdle when you are working with people from different age groups. With nearly 20 percent of people over 65 still working—the highest level in at least 5 decades—recent college grads are finding more and more of their colleagues have a lot more gray hair and a lot less tattoos. So, with baby boomers, millennials and Gen Xers sitting side by side in cubicles across America, the challenge of inter-generational differences has become a hot topic—especially when it comes to management.

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