Pamela Eyring -- First Star on the National Business Etiquette Week Walk of Fame.

In preparation for National Business Etiquette Week, we learned a little bit more about PSOW president and owner, Pamela Eyring

How do you utilize your PSOW training? When I graduated from PSOW in 1997, I began presenting 1 – 1 ½ day sessions to my USAF civilian and military employees. Today, I am still giving presentations and full day trainings around the world. I believe in what I teach and use the training in my own life to build trusting relationships and to show respect.

What topics do you teach the most (or favorite topics to teach)? All of them! Outclass the Competition and Dine Like a Diplomat are tied for first then How to Succeed in the International Arena. I do like to teach business image but don’t tell Leah Hawthorn who teaches it in our course.

How has PSOW had an impact on your life/career? It changed both. When I graduated, I found training was my music. The more I “played”, the better I became as a trainer - giving me focus on imparting my knowledge to people in my class. My mantra used to be “Do what you love and success will come.” Of course, the impact of owning the School has given me coaching skills to help our graduates with their goals. I have a post-it-note with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “For our own success to be real, it must contribute to the success of others.” This quote was given to me from Lynn Williams who is a graduate from 2006 and is my Executive Assistant. It reminds me of the importance of my work at PSOW.

What advice would you give to those who are considering attending a course at PSOW? It’s worth the investment – no one can take your education away from you. Be an educated consumer and do the due diligence comparing other training entities. Be assured by our accreditation we are held to the highest standards of educational excellence and ethics inside and out of the classroom.

First job(s)? Long John Silver's at 16 years old (part-time). USAF civilian GS-3 Clerk Stenographer at 18 years old (full-time) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Favorite book, movie or TV show? Book – The Power of Positive Thinking, Movie – any funny 80’s movie (such as Blues Brothers, The Kid, Gung Ho and Christmas Vacation), TV show – Two Broke Girls

Guilty Pleasure? Making (and devouring) homemade Orville Redenbacher popcorn with a whole stick of “real” butter! I do share and then the guilt melts away…


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