Our 2017 NBEW Winner Interview

As we prepare for National Business Etiquette Week, we checked back in with Tammy West, winner of last year’s NBEW Contest with her entry on toxic behaviors to avoid in the workplace. Today, Tammy fills us in on her recent PSOW training and how she benefitted from the training.

Tammy, tell us about your complimentary training as winner of last year’s National Business Etiquette Week contest? What class did you attend and what was the experience like?

I was beyond thrilled to attend the Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant training [Now titled: Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer] and it was a tremendous experience. The expertise and knowledge of the trainers exceeded my expectations. The wealth of knowledge I learned was priceless.

What were the top takeaways from your training as it relates to business etiquette and protocol? What resonated with you the most?

There were many valuable takeaways from my training. The business etiquette and professionalism tools that I learned from PSOW was truly empowering. I realized as I progressed through the training that the tools and resources given would allow me to have a decided advantage over the competition. I truly enjoyed the level of details on the information that was provided and the interaction between the facilitators and the students.

Did you have any preconceived notions about your training that was dispelled?

Honestly, it exceeded my expectations from the moment I stepped into the classroom until the very end. It was engaging and entertaining, there wasn’t a dull moment. I loved every minute of my time in the classroom.

As last year’s winner for the NBEW contest, you created an entertaining video entry featuring toxic—and nontoxic—rules of office behavior. What inspired your video and what kind of response have you received from it?

I believe humor can be an effective tool. I was always a big fan of the show, The Office, which was my motivation to create the video. I basically pulled from my own past experiences, which I had plenty of material to work from. Fortunately, I have had a great response from those who have watched it. People can relate to it and at the same time, enjoy a little humor.

Did your training with the PSOW give you new ideas on how to further delete toxic behaviors in the workplace?

Absolutely! I was able to take what I learned from the course and apply it in my own workplace. The Corporate Etiquette course really opened my eyes to areas of my business that needed to be addressed. I was able to create new business standards and practices for my staff to follow which resulted in a more positive and friendly work environment.

What can we all do to get along better in today’s opinionated and diverse workplace?

I believe we all must be mindful of our audience and think before we speak! Also, avoid conversations with sensitive subjects like politics, controversial issues, religion, etc. Be respectful of other’s differences and please, don’t forget to use your manners.

What would you tell a prospective student thinking of attending a PSOW session?

I would say that the experience was transformative! The training material, facilitators and resources provided is priceless. After the completion of the training, I realized that I was given the tools to be successful and felt confident to train others to be as successful. PSOW ROCKS!!!

Enter to Win a Complimentary Tuition to attend Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer Course!


Pamela Eyring -- First Star on the National Business Etiquette Week Walk of Fame.


A Casting Call: Seeking The Next Business Etiquette Superstar