A Casting Call: Seeking The Next Business Etiquette Superstar

The Protocol School of Washington's 12th Annual "National Business Etiquette Week" is June 3-9, 2018.

A recent poll on workplace behavior from NPR and Ipsos, a global market research firm, stated that some of the most inappropriate office behaviors are, unfortunately, also the most common. From idle gossip about the personal lives of colleagues to inappropriate joking and sexist commentary, most respondents to the poll admitted experiencing at least on of these offenses. As the modern office certainly has its challenges when it comes to incivility and inappropriate behavior, the bigger question may be, "How do we curtail these types of behaviors and reeducate people on the principles of professionalism?" To help answer these questions and to raise awareness about the importance of good business behavior, we are searching for "The Next Business Etiquette Superstar".

"We want to find men and women who know the important role business etiquette plays in today's work environment and want to help us promote respect and civility across all business channels," Pamela Eyring, president of PSOW.

National Business Etiquette Week is the ideal time to cast the role of PSOW's "Business Etiquette Superstar". We encourage entrants to "audition" for the part by entering our contest: Casting Call: Seeking The Next Business Etiquette Superstar to win a complimentary tuition to attend Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer Course ($7,300.00 / $8,800.00 value).

Contest Ended 11:59 pm EST, Sunday, June 10, 2018.

Winner to be announced Friday, June 15, 2018.

Visit our blog and social media sites throughout the week for tips on intercultural etiquette and business protocol topics and meet our "Walk of Fame Stars"!


Our 2017 NBEW Winner Interview


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