Meet Erin Crotty "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Erin Crotty is a 2011 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

How do you utilize your PSOW training? I established my business, BloomStra Consulting in 2011, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; specializing in business etiquette, professional presence and image management.

What topics do you teach the most (or favorite topics to teach)?  From university students, to new professionals, to established professionals - dining etiquette is a popular program and a lot of fun to teach.

How has PSOW had an impact on your life/career? Attending the PSOW and being an Alumni has had a profound impact on my life and career. It has given me the tools, credentials and confidence to build my business and live my dream as an entrepreneur, teaching my clients how to leverage their greatest potential as a leader through their Professional Presence.

What advice would you give to those who are considering attending a course at PSOW? Just do it! You will never look back. It is the leading accredited educational institution. As a graduate, I have experienced the positive and professional recognition because of my license from the PSOW.

First job(s)? My first job was as a Ballet Instructor at the YM-YWCA when I was 12 years old.

Favorite book, movie or TV show? My all-time favourite movie is Ferris Beuller’s Day Off. Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” is my favourite business book, and I’m enjoying the TV program, “Billions” at the moment.

Guilty Pleasure? Eating and drinking (wine) my way through Italy.

If there’s one thing we should know about you, it is… I started my first business when I was 15 years old, as the owner and instructor at a ballet and jazz dance studio.

Erin headshot

Erin Crotty | 2011 PSOW Graduate

Bloomstra Consulting

Ontario, Canada


Meet Koos Jérard Louw, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR


Pamela Eyring -- First Star on the National Business Etiquette Week Walk of Fame.