New Kid in the Sandbox - Picture Perfect Protocol
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New Kid in the Sandbox - Picture Perfect Protocol

Do you remember when you were a child and had to play with new kids in a different sandbox? This is how I felt the first time I supported a HQs US Air Force (USAF) event. The Global Air Chiefs Conference (GACC) was held on April 23-25, 1997, in conjunction with the USAF’s 50th Anniversary Celebration in Las Vegas. (Yes, it’s true, our military used to be able to host events there). It was nearly 20 years ago!

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Picture Perfect Protocol
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Picture Perfect Protocol

When Don Henley wrote the lyrics “People love it when you lose, they love dirty laundry,” he probably never guessed the ever increasing prevalence of “dirty laundry” airing in today’s news cycles, especially when it comes to awkward or unflattering photography. But protocol officers who plan and orchestrate ceremonies, gift exchanges, presentations, international visits, meetings and special events stay focused on what is important – making their guests feel welcomed and capturing moments to remember.

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Is your body language speaking for you?
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Is your body language speaking for you?

Most communication experts now believe that almost 90% of what we say comes from nonverbal cues, which includes our body language. From a flip of the hair to hands on your hips, how you move, gesture, and make expressions can say as much as what comes out of your mouth.

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Three Steps to Build Your University Precedence List
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Three Steps to Build Your University Precedence List

A common problem in academic events is determining the correct placement of guests for functions like seated dinners or an order of procession for academic ceremonies. In an environment where titles and tenure – not to mention donors, alumni, and students – are often steadfastly important, making the decision as to how stakeholders are positioned can be a stressful and politically daunting task.

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The 5 Rules of Holiday Office Etiquette
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The 5 Rules of Holiday Office Etiquette

In a 2015 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), only 65 percent of respondents said they planned to hold an end-of-the-year gathering for their employees, down from 72 percent in 2012. Does this mean that Ebenezer Scrooge is bringing back the humbug in 2016? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean the holiday party is the ghost of Christmas past quite yet. Although the traditional office celebration might not be as popular as it once was, more than likely the holidays will be celebrated or recognized one way or another at your office.

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Mastering the International Meeting
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Mastering the International Meeting

According to the 2016 American Express Grow Global Survey, an overwhelming majority of surveyed companies (90%) agree that international markets offer significant growth opportunities. However, growth certainly does not come without challenges, and the most significant concerns for those selling outside the U.S. include the ability to build relationships with foreign partners (75%).

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Speak to All Generations
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Speak to All Generations

Each generation assumes their children will have the same values and desires—even though the world changes every day. Because people are living longer and leading more productive lives, we are in a unique situation where, for the first time in history, there are four distinct generations working together under the same global roof—at the same time.

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Presidential Protocol
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Presidential Protocol

"International protocol consists of drawing a platform on which international relations grow and preserving mutual respect, no matter how big or small the countries may be." – Mr. Lahoud Lahoud, Chief of Protocol at the Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon (and graduate of The Protocol School of Washington). We are pleased, once again, to share another excerpt from An Expert’s Guide to International Protocol: Best Practices in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations co-authored by our friends Gilbert Monod de Froideville and Mark Verheul.

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Celebrate "Bring Your Manners to Work Day" by showing gratitude to your coworkers
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Celebrate "Bring Your Manners to Work Day" by showing gratitude to your coworkers

When it comes to recognizing employees or coworkers, it appears that the value of a compliment surpasses money as a prime motivating tool.  In a recent study at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Japan, research showed scientific proof that employees perform better when they receive a social reward after completing an exercise. Further, the study indicates that giving compliments proves to be an even more effective social reward than receiving money.

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“When You’re Finished Changing, You’re Finished”: How to reinvent your professional career at the Protocol School of Washington
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“When You’re Finished Changing, You’re Finished”: How to reinvent your professional career at the Protocol School of Washington

As one of the most multifaceted figures in American history, Benjamin Franklin was someone who truly embraced change, particularly in the incredibly diverse professional and personal pursuits of his life. Here was a man whose resume would include such diverse positions as politician, inventor, scientist, musician, entrepreneur and author among his many credits. As Franklin himself said, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

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Cultural Intelligence: How to be a better arts patron
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Cultural Intelligence: How to be a better arts patron

The old show business saying that promises “the show must go on” was definitely penned way before the dawn of text messaging. Just ask legendary Broadway star Patti Lupone who just last year stopped a live performance at Lincoln Center to snatch a mobile phone from an offending audience member who had been texting during the show.

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Bill Clinton: What to Call Him if He Becomes the “First Husband”
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Bill Clinton: What to Call Him if He Becomes the “First Husband”

When Bill Clinton first won the presidency, the form of address used for him and the first lady, Hillary, was as follows: The President and Mrs. Clinton. This form of address fits into the traditional formula in writing: The President and Mrs. (Surname) and in conversation: Mr./Madam President and Mr./Mrs. (Surname). If Hillary Clinton wins the current presidential election, Bill Clinton will be a first: the first First Husband, Spouse, Partner, or Significant Other. So how will the White House staff address Bill Clinton?

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Interview with Professor Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer, former Secretary-General of NATO
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Interview with Professor Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer, former Secretary-General of NATO

"Ultimately, protocol is there not to be a burden, but rather to minimize conflicts and awkward situations" -- Professor Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer. PSOW is pleased to, once again, share another excerpt from An Expert’s Guide to International Protocol: Best Practices in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations co-authored by our friends Gilbert Monod de Froideville and Mark Verheul.

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Konrad Philip—North America’s Youngest Etiquette Expert—is the 2016 Winner of our National Business Etiquette Week Contest
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Konrad Philip—North America’s Youngest Etiquette Expert—is the 2016 Winner of our National Business Etiquette Week Contest

Known as “North America’s youngest etiquette expert” through popular blogs, a website, self-published books, workshops and media appearances, Konrad Philip from Vancouver, British Columbia is the winner of the PSOW 2016 National Business Etiquette Week Contest. Konrad’s creative entry addressed this year’s theme— Running on Respect: Putting Civility Back Into Politics—with an entertaining infographic that served as a bill of rights in support of respectful political discourse. Konrad talks about his own foray in the etiquette world, his view on American politics and his future plans.

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Meet Lena "I Did It - So Can You!"
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Meet Lena "I Did It - So Can You!"

It was a sunny autumn afternoon in beautiful Gramercy Park, New York City. I was enjoying a moment’s rest on the sofa while reading Bloomberg Businessweek, to which I'd received a complimentary subscription for having completed my MBA. I'd always been fascinated with business and with the idea of starting my own company - it was only a question of what that business would be.

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Meet Marcel "I Did It - So Can You!"
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Meet Marcel "I Did It - So Can You!"

One of the objectives of the professional communication course I teach for the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC Berkeley is to prepare students for their future careers. In 2013, Jayne Anderson, Director, Events and Programs for UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering, and a then-recent graduate of the Protocol School’s Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant program, gave a series of lectures to my class on business etiquette. Her presentations were met with overwhelmingly positive evaluations and enthusiastic feedback. Realizing how beneficial etiquette training is to our students, I enrolled in the PSOW consultant program the following April.

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Meet Tiffany "I Did It - So Can You!"

I am a proud second-generation Protocol School of Washington (PSOW) graduate who graduated in April 2014 and am delighted to share my story. Immediately following my training at PSOW, I had the tools and network from PSOW to launch my own business and become an entrepreneur after working in Corporate America in the financial services industry for many years. PSOW inspired me with the teaching methods, curriculum, resources, network and friendships to believe in myself as a new entrepreneur. I became the Founder and President of a successful new small business called the Cincinnati Etiquette & Leadership Institute, LLC (CELI) and have conducted etiquette training programs for Fortune 500 companies, small to mid-size companies, universities, and high schools. I have also become a columnist for my local business newspaper and a national columnist for a women’s business leaders news site. Thanks to PSOW, I am having the time of my life!

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