Meet Tiffany "I Did It - So Can You!"

I am a proud second-generation Protocol School of Washington (PSOW) graduate who graduated in April 2014 and am delighted to share my story. Immediately following my training at PSOW, I had the tools and network from PSOW to launch my own business and become an entrepreneur after working in Corporate America in the financial services industry for many years. PSOW inspired me with the teaching methods, curriculum, resources, network and friendships to believe in myself as a new entrepreneur. I became the Founder and President of a successful new small business called the Cincinnati Etiquette & Leadership Institute, LLC (CELI) and have conducted etiquette training programs for Fortune 500 companies, small to mid-size companies, universities, and high schools. I have also become a columnist for my local business newspaper and a national columnist for a women’s business leaders news site. Thanks to PSOW, I am having the time of my life!

Attending the Train to Be a Corporate Etiquette & International Protocol Consultant training program was the smartest choice I have made in positioning myself for a successful and personally rewarding career. Before I became certified, I engaged in extensive due diligence in researching and interviewing several training schools around the country, in addition to the PSOW. I remember the PSOW and Pamela Eyring being so patient with my gazillion questions and incredibly helpful. I quickly realized that what PSOW had to offer was unmatched and unprecedented in the industry and I just had to be a part of it.

Outlined below are my top 3 gold nuggets I took away from from the PSOW learning journey. I am sure that you will experience these benefits, plus have your own to add to the list, should you enroll in their training:

• Best of the best curriculum and teaching methods – PSOW offers a perfect blend of relevant curriculum and advice on presenting yourself in the finest light as an instructor. This includes a broad array of empowerment from your appearance, public speaking skills, business advice, target client demographic strategies, and pricing model questions. The fact that as a graduate you get the bragging rights to say that your curriculum comes from the PSOW, the only school of its kind that is nationally accredited and recognized by the US Department of Education, is pivotal in establishing your credibility. 

• Supportive Alumnae Relations Department – What a valuable resource to have…When I returned home from the training, I was not left alone to launch my new company. PSOW provided me with ongoing friendly and helpful advice from a team of advisors to answer my questions as I developed new business. This ranged from pricing questions, recruiting a new board of advisors, curriculum planning, and encouragement. I have never experienced the opportunity to continue relations and secure assistance after any training programs to the degree I have with PSOW. To this day, I feel like I always have someone to call should I need anything pertaining to my PSOW learning journey and business. 

• Strong network and friendships – Our diversified graduate class was extremely close after just one week of being together thanks to a large part to the cultivation efforts of the PSOW. I consider many of them lifelong friends and continue to stay in touch with my classmates from all around the world such as New York, Australia, Dubai, Tennessee, Ukraine and California. The camaraderie was amazing.

Remember what Benjamin Franklin said, “The man (or woman) who does things makes many mistakes, but he (or she) never makes the biggest mistake of all…doing nothing.” Attending the PSOW program was truly the best decision and wisest investment I have ever made in my professional development and career. The PSOW experience opens doors that one never realizes were waiting to be opened. Enjoy your learning journey!

Tiffany Adams is a 2014 Graduate of Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant.. She is the Founder & President of Cincinnati Etiquette & Leadership Institute, LLC |


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