State of Civility in America – Crisis!

The seventh annual Civility in America survey* captures the American public’s views on civility in society with 75% stating incivility in this country has risen to “crisis” levels up from 65% in 2014.

Top three offenders? Politicians, Internet/social media and news media. Since many of us are tired of all the political rhetoric, let’s focus on something we should control – our reputation and civility on social media.

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Youtube, Instagram – the list goes on and on with many ways to communicate electronically and so many pitfalls.

Take an Oath of Social Media Conduct:

1. I will think before I share in order not to hurt, harass and offend others or make me look ignorant 

2. I will avoid negative or hateful arguing in my posts and responses 

3. I will try to resolve personal issues privately; not publicly 

4. I will review any article, link or video in its entirety before sharing 

5. I will be a good reflection on my family, friends, employer and self and not stereotype against others 

6. I will message my concerns or feelings in a tasteful (not hateful) manner using facts and statistics 

7. I will ask permission to post/tag photos of others and not post inappropriate photos of myself

*Annually since 2010, Global communications and engagement firm Weber Shandwick, public affairs firm Powell Tate and KRC Research finds that civility continues to be a societal issue.


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