Meet Pauline "I Did It - So Can You!"

Enter a room of people in a professional setting or a casual environment and inevitably the question will be posed, “What do you do?” My response, “I have the BEST career in the world because I teach people how to perfect confidence!” And, that really is how I feel – day in and day out!

As the Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Officer at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, I am responsible for protocol and diplomacy training, business etiquette processes, visit management and customer engagement for domestic and global affairs. Having spent the bulk of my career in external affairs, economic development, and operations management, my role at Lockheed Martin is a perfect fit!

Over the span of an eighteen-year career, I have had the opportunity to successfully develop numerous professionals and lend natural talents to the creation of corporate social responsibility initiatives and award-winning programs in the private and public sectors. It was under the gold dome of Georgia, that I discovered a certain savvy for the art of etiquette and the dynamic of diplomatic relations. Almost daily, it was important to know the art of entering a room of power and understanding when to speak, how to invoke conversation and when to exit gracefully. It was also imperative to know how to host a table at a formal black-tie event and equally vital to know how to orchestrate a serving line! I became the natural expert amongst colleagues and leaders alike when opportunities to entertain arose. And, I absolutely loved the honor of being solicited to share my thoughts on do’s and don’ts – -- always with a smile.

During my second year at Lockheed Martin, my vice president and mentor encouraged me to broaden my value at the corporation by preparing executives to eat properly and handle themselves during international business meetings. This led to his endorsement of protocol officer training. Since receiving that education, I have been able to implement processes that have tendered great returns. Having traveled abroad with senior executives, utilizing the skills taught at PSOW, I became a weapon in the Lockheed Martin arsenal.

Matriculation at The Protocol School of Washington has been one of my proudest accomplishments, professionally and personally. Pamela Eying and her team are astute, proficient, yet humble and rhapsodic! I am a double graduate of PSOW with the following certifications: (1) Protocol Officer; (2) Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant. Having received the knowledge under the instruction of thought leaders like Robert Hickey, and having developed relationships with distinguished and highly recognized individuals has garnered a treasure chest of wisdom. Through my continued alliance with the PSOW family, I know that the BEST is yet to come!

Pauline Warrior Nunnally is a 2013 Graduate of Protocol Officer Training and a 2015 Graduate of Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant


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