Win a complimentary tuition to attend Protocol Officer Training

In honor of National Protocol Officer Week (March 27 – April 2, 2016), The Protocol School of Washington is sponsoring a “Protocol Emergency Contest” for a student to win a complimentary tuition to any 2016 scheduled Protocol Officer Training.

To Enter 

Submit a treatment plan to any of the following situations:

1. Help! You have just been assigned full responsibility as the primary caretaker for the spouses of the visiting delegation to your area from China. How would you host them for the day? 

2. In order to be more successful in your career, you are convinced you need surgery, in the form of formal protocol training! How do you convince your boss to approve the procedure? 

3. Your principal, the Chief Executive Officer of one of the largest hospitals in the United States is set to embark on a three-country trip with a focus on building relationships. They will travel first to Spain, then to Nigeria, and lastly to South Africa. What would you include in briefing your principal in order for them to be successful on their trip? 

Your treatment plan can be in the form of a video; presentation (i.e PowerPoint); essay, white paper; letter; podcast; whatever you see fit. 


Email your “treatment plan” to by April 2. Include your first name, last name, phone number and email address with your submission.

What Can I Win? 

5-day comprehensive course providing you with expert instruction, guided exercises and coaching in the fundamentals of operational protocol. 

Value of $6800.00 USD 

Our team of experts will train you in the essentials of Protocol History and Competencies | Precedence | Seating |Titles and Forms of Address | Gifts | International Protocol | Invitations | VIP Excellence | Logistics | Ceremonies | Personal Leadership | Legendary Service | Personal Diplomacy | Dining Tutorial | Professional Development 

To see inside Protocol Officer Training -- click here

How to Win

All entries are judged by an internal panel (PSOW Hospital Board of Directors) at The Protocol School of Washington based on the following criteria: 

1. Creativity 

2. Relevance to the theme: Annual Protocol Check Up: Take Time to Take Care…Of You! 

3. Compliance with requirements Winner will be announced April 8, 2016. 

Good Luck! 

Additional Rules and Limitations: 

** All submissions are the property of The Protocol School of Washington and available for re-purposing by the School but will not include personal information about creator or contestants without express written consent of submitter. 

** Subject to The Protocol School of Washington’s final approval. 

** Contest value is equivalent to the course tuition ($6800.00 USD). No cash value. This tuition includes the cost of the training only. Transportation, travel and hotel accommodations are not included and are the responsibility of the winner. 

**Contest prize must be redeemed for a regularly scheduled Protocol Officer Training no later than March 31, 2017. 

**Contest prize is non-transferable to any other person or alternative PSOW course offering without the express written consent of The Protocol School of Washington. As the contest winner, PSOW will be highlighting your journey. Be advised that you will be contacted to participate in sharing your experience (i.e. Q&A, photos, quotes).


2015 NPOW Contest Winner reflects on her own Protocol Training experience


Please tell me your name again?