2015 NPOW Contest Winner reflects on her own Protocol Training experience

After following PSOW activities through Facebook and LinkedIn for a couple of years, Olivera Tatalovic was aware of the National Protocol Week tradition and decided to give herself a chance to join the school by entering the tuition contest last year. After reviewing entries from around the world, Olivera was selected as our 2015 winner. She graciously agreed to share with us her own thoughts on why protocol is such an important topic. 

Why is protocol such an important topic for today’s professionals, especially as it relates to the global marketplace?

Living in one country provides stability and familiarity with the known environment. Living abroad provides quite unique experiences which add up to our flexibility, adaptability to changing environments and resilience. Those skills are in high demand and provide opportunities for growth and economic vitality. Mobility therefore has become the key word. In order to reach the mobility point in the global marketplace, we need to have a high level of cultural intelligence and knowledge of international business etiquette and protocol. They are certainly an integral part of it.

As the business world continues to embrace multiculturalism, how important is protocol to have in your “toolbox?”

For anyone being conscious about his/her reputation and looking for long-term success in the global marketplace knowledge of protocol and business etiquette is considered a fundamental soft skill. Echoing our fantastic Master Trainer: “Consider yourself as an Ambassador of your family, company, school, industry, nation.”

Did you have any preconceived notions about your training that was dispelled?

No. Living abroad has taught me to keep my views open for new experiences in constant search for knowledge expansion.

What were some of your specific takeaways from your training?

Distinguished, highly experienced Master Trainers have brought a lot of insights from the industry and they have constantly kept our energy and engagement high. Every single detail of the training was planned to create truly valuable and memorable moments and experiences. Training material, additional resources for continuing education at our own pace and networking opportunities organized for the PSOW alumni are designed to help us keep our skills up-to-date and sharp.

How else has the training impacted your life?

The feeling of achievement and overall progress comes from gaining a highly valuable skill – for your chosen career, but also for your family. Being a role model and practicing personal diplomacy, forms of address, precedence during ceremonies, dining or gift giving skills with your children sets a fantastic example and gives them a great head start in life.

How will you take what you learned in Protocol Training and apply it to your professional life?

Within the team, people learn from each other and inspiration always comes from a role model and a source of knowledge. It then creates a happy working environment. Happy people are more productive and healthy, and everything else just follows.

Does protocol training impact your personal life or working with your own in-house colleagues?

Everyone likes to be treated well. It makes positive vibes within both working and family environment encouraging positive behaviors, cooperation and teamwork. This in return makes stronger and more successful teams and brings overall happiness in life.

How important is protocol training in such fields as sales or marketing?

Treating every customer/stakeholder as a VIP is a prerequisite to gain trust and build good relationship. Therefore knowing how to communicate with VIPs is an integral part of any work environment. International Protocol Manager Training has provided us a lot of details on VIP expectations in different circumstances. All training participants have enjoyed that exercise a lot as we could exchange ideas on how to manage those expectations.

What would you tell a prospective student thinking of attending a PSOW session?

Do you have what it takes to be successful and resourceful in the global arena?

Olivera Tatalovic, March 2016 PSOW Graduate

2015 National Protocol Officer Week Tuition Contest Winner

PSOW can help you gain a broad understanding of functional business, government, and international protocol. Strong personal leadership skill development balances this high quality curriculum, elevating confidence, preparedness and professionalism.


Annual Protocol Check Up: Get physical | healthy body maintenance


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