Meet Protocol Professional Brian Lim

What is your proudest moment as a protocol officer? For the past 20 years in the military, I have done many Protocol-related duties all across the world. My proudest moments are making the impossible become possible with outstanding teamwork. There’s nothing like successes when things go smoothly, despite the “chaos” behind the scene.

Why do you love protocol? The Protocol field is so diverse and never boring. You may deal with things like visits & travel, social/official dining and activities, ceremonies, training & education, conferences, meetings and events. You work and build relations with other people/agencies. I love the adrenaline of orchestrating all the moving parts and, of course, the challenges that come with them. There are Protocol and other professional associations to join and you can take on-line/hands-on courses to improve your knowledge and build your peer network. With Protocol, you’re never alone as Protocol professionals are worldwide. I have made great friends and am sure to make more. “Protocol…I live & love it!” (Okay, sounds corny, but it’s true…) 

What do you wish you would have known when you were a “newbie”? 

- The smallest things can make the biggest difference…attention to detail is one key to success 

- Clear communication: up, down, sideways, through and all around is another key to success 

- You’re going to make mistakes; learn from it & don’t make it again (Move on and don’t dwell on it) 

- Expect the unexpected…prepare, as much as you can, for it - Develop professionally through experience, education and associations/affiliations 

- You make the principal and organization look good from behind the scene 

- You’re going to build your own tool box and have your own set of keys to success. 

Brian Lim Protocol Specialist, Headquarters U.S. Army Japan Department of Defense


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