Meet Protocol Professional Sharyn Amoroso

Why do you love protocol? Protocol lends structure to events, thus providing guidance and easing the way for others – whether at formal or informal occasions.

What is your proudest moment as a protocol officer? Upon his commissioning at West Point, the senior Class President, now a 2nd Lieutenant, said, “And I’d like to thank Mrs. Amoroso, who taught us all how to be an officer and a gentleman.” 

What do you wish you would have known when you were a “newbie”? To insist on clearing my quotes used in newspapers and magazines. When discussing manners and etiquette, a comment taken out of context can be construed to appear condescending, when that was not the intent at all.

Sharyn Kennedy Amoroso Director, Etiquette and Protocol Services Cadet Hostess West Point, The United States Military Academy


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