Meet Protocol Professional Laura Shepard!

What is your proudest moment as a protocol officer? Planning and overseeing an event that included both former President Bill Clinton and former President George W. Bush on the same stage for a 1 hour discussion.

Why do you love protocol? It defines structure in a world of chaos. It provides guidelines, direction and preparedness to be successful. It eliminates the unknown. These are clichés, but when I have a question, there is a book that has the answer or a professional at the PSOW that I can call to get the answer. The questions we as protocol officers have are not unique questions – someone, somewhere has asked the same question. And there are professional protocol officers out there that have solved the same problems we face. It is awesome to be a part of a community that shares their experiences and knowledge with others to make us all successful. 

What do you wish you would have known when you were a “newbie”? Everyone you work with has their own agenda. You have to figure out what their definition of success is and their angle to get there. Then you need to create a program or event that will succeed in what you need to get done while keeping their needs in the forefront. And at the end of the day – don’t forget who your principal is. Their goal is your goal. Their success is your success. Know your position. We are behind the scenes to make others successful. We are the enablers. We enable our principals to do their job without them having to worry about what we, as Protocol Officers, are responsible for. 

Laura Shepard Senior Vice President, CEO & Executive Communications Manager Financial Services


Meet Protocol Professional Brian Lim


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