Meet Gisela Kloess, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Gisela Kloess is a 2015 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

How do you utilize your PSOW training? In 2015, I started ProEtiCo – Protocol & Etiquette Consulting. Since then, I have been blessed to share the knowledge I acquired from PSOW with people of all ages, cultures and economical status.

What topics do you teach the most (or favorite topics to teach)?  Being a well-rounded professional requires knowledge in all aspects; whether it’s intercultural communications, dining skills, networking skills, first impressions, or communication in person or via electronic means. Sometimes I get inquiries for a specific area such as dining skills, however, after further conversations, my clients realize that one must get to the dining table first before impressing with solid dining skills. With that being said, I provide interactive workshops in all aspects of professional and personal development. I love teaching! Whatever I am teaching today is my favorite topic.

How has PSOW had an impact on your life/career? When I was young, I always said that I’ll be either a lawyer, police officer, or teacher. My passion for teaching and planting seeds of possibilities while providing the practical tools of the “how to” accomplish anything, grew more and more. I still remember the first time I walked into the class room: I felt at home. Over time I was able to find my own vision and created The Upward Spiral Catalyst Program™ which is a personal and professional development course designed to give the attendees practical tools to enhance their professional opportunities and to learn how to love and respect the Self, and with that, improve the quality of life. I am also blessed to work with companies and organizations ensuring that each member exudes the highest level of professionalism and to assist in creating a culture which fosters growth and individual appreciation. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoy working with individuals assisting in developing their Executive Brand and Leadership Presence.

What advice would you give to those who are considering attending a course at PSOW? The PSOW team is beyond amazing and a true reflection of its leader: Pamela Eyring. 

Most schools take your money and graduate you. Hasta la Vista. As a graduate of The Protocol of Washington, I have access to materials, newly created webinars to improve my skills and increase my knowledge, and again, an amazing team and caring leader in my corner. Pamela makes it her goal to be personally accessible to her graduates and shares her experience freely. I cannot count the many hours she provided me advice on a recorded presentation, proposal, difficult situation, negotiation, pricing, … The list goes on and on. Pamela and her team CARE about the success of the graduates. She and her team alone are THE reason I would recommend to anyone who is interested in attending a protocol & etiquette school, to choose The Protocol School of Washington! You will learn from the BEST and will have an army of support behind you. Did I mention, yet, that the materials and workbooks are a goldmine of information, templates and ideas?

First job(s)? Paper route. I was about 13 or 14 walking through the neighborhood delivering Ads.

Favorite book, movie or TV show?

Books: every book that teaches me something new or makes me re-evaluate something old, is my favorite book. If it broadens my horizon, it’s my favorite book. 

I just saw an amazing movie: The Ultimate Gift. Haven’t seen it? Trust me – it’s amazing. Oh, and I am a sucker for Agents of Shield, HTGAWM, Murder She Wrote, and Matlock: reasonable doubt, ladies and gentlemen. Reasonable doubt.

Guilty Pleasure? 1. Chocolate (lots and lots of chocolate – my mom sends me care packages from Germany) and Caffeine.

If there’s one thing we should know about you, it is… I Love Life!

Gisela headshot

Gisela Kloess

2015 PSOW Graduate


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