Meet Leah - "I Did It - So Can You!"

Let me start by saying, I am extremely lucky to live in Dayton, Ohio, because, if I hadn’t, I would have never met, Ms. Pamela Eyring. I met Pamela in 2000. She was the Chief of Protocol at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I was a consultant in a high-end designer clothing store at the time. Pamela stepped into my life as a client. How lucky was I? For years she would tell me about these wonderful etiquette and protocol seminars that she would present all over the world. To say the least, I was intrigued. When Ms. Eyring bought the business, the Protocol School of Washington, I knew I wanted to make a huge life change! It was time — I needed a career that was challenging, interesting, that would help others and, yes, pay more!

In 2008 I took the Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant training program. By the end of the training, I was so excited that I had my business name picked out and was determined to make this a new successful chapter in my life.

When I returned home, I set up my home office for my new business, ABI, advanced business image & etiquette LLC, joined many networking groups, including the chamber and charity organizations. This was all new to me. Within 3 months, I got my first contract with a local college! And, yes, I got paid! After that, I was speaking for other colleges, conferences and businesses. Within one year, I was training what I had learned from the Protocol School of Washington for over 600 interns at WPAFB. Within one year, I won a five-year contract with the DoD, Defense Acquisition University, Senior Service College Fellowship.

Today, needless to say, I no longer consult for a designer clothing store. I train International Protocol, Business Etiquette, Business Image and Multi-Cultural Dining to incredible students all over the world. Life is good! YOU CAN DO IT!!

Leah Hawthorn is a 2008 Graduate of Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant. Leah also serves as facilitator for PSOW on Business Image for Trainers.


Meet Fitzgerald "I Did It - So Can You!"


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