Meet 2015 NBEW Winner Brooke Peterson

Meet Brooke Peterson -- our winner of National Business Etiquette Week's "What will business etiquette look like in 2025?" video contest. As the winner, she received a complimentary tuition to our 5-day Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant course.

Brooke, where do you live and what is your current occupation? I am originally from Kentucky, but my husband and I have been in Tucson, Arizona, for the past eight years. I am the Marketing Director of an advertising and public relations agency.

What kind of awareness did you have of the PSOW? I remember seeing advertisements for etiquette classes in the back of my mother’s “Southern Living” magazines almost from the time I could read! Even as a young girl, something about this appealed to me.

How did you hear about the contest? I signed up for email updates from the PSOW last year.

What made you want to enter? Since entering the workforce, I've seen a need for employees to be instructed on the basics of etiquette, but it wasn't until I took my current position that I thought seriously about going into the etiquette and protocol field. I've conducted many employment interviews during which candidates were turned down because of the ways in which they presented themselves. It seemed to me such a shame that so many educated young people across the country were losing out on jobs because the basics of manners and how to present oneself were not being taught.

Can you please summarize your video entry in describing how technology will alter accepted forms of etiquette and protocol in the future? Technology is taking over so much of our personal and professional lives and sometimes the lines become blurred. It is so important that workers understand how the use of technology and social media affects the way they present themselves to employers. If workers do not censor themselves and take steps to maintain their privacy, their jobs can be jeopardized. However, if used correctly, social media and technology, combined with old fashioned etiquette basics, can paint a favorable picture of employees.

Why is cultural awareness and respect so important in today’s global marketplace? Especially in a world that sometimes seems like it is being taken over by computers, smart phones, tablets, and other technology, we need to take the time to understand how other cultures live, relate to one another, and use technology. Because things are so fast-paced and information travels quickly, it is more important than ever to take the time to understand cultural differences and make an effort to respect other countries. By demonstrating this understanding, it is easier to make a connection with others, and we can more comfortably and respectfully participate in the global marketplace.

As we all become so entrenched in technology, how can we maintain civility and respect? As with our day to day personal interactions, be polite and think about the comfort of others first. Whether it be the content you post on social media or simply giving your full attention to someone you are meeting with rather than focusing on your devices, make sure to show respect. Common sense goes a long way!

What do you hope to gain from your training at the PSOW? I am very much looking forward to gaining the skills necessary to teach others about how to conduct themselves in today's workplace. I think it is so important that old fashioned basics like polite conversation and respect in our personal interactions does not fall by the wayside in the flurry of technological innovations. I am anxious to learn how the PSOW addresses this balance.

What are your career ambitions? At this point, I have several thoughts. I am interested in starting my own consulting business to teach etiquette and protocol to others. I also think it would be fascinating to work for the government in a setting like an embassy, either here or in Europe as a protocol and etiquette expert.

Check out her video

We look forward to welcoming Brooke Peterson to PSOW!


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Chris Yu, winner of the 2014 NBEW Video Challenge, reflects on PSOW's impact on his future plans