Chris Yu, winner of the 2014 NBEW Video Challenge, reflects on PSOW's impact on his future plans

Chris Yu, a Human Resources Manager in the Toronto office of TD Bank, first heard of The Protocol School of Washington when alumni Natalie Gokchenian made a presentation to officers at his bank. Chris was so impressed with the curriculum, he asked Natalie to present again to his HR staff. He then became even more interested in the PSOW, ultimately entering and winning the 2014 video challenge for a complimentary tuition to the “Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant” course, graduating in September 2014.

Chris, how has your training at PSOW impacted your life? I learned that the time-tested rules of protocol and etiquette are not only relevant today but that they are crucial for success—not only for professionals in the business world but also for up and coming students.

Did you have any preconceived notions about your training that was dispelled? Most important, I learned that this training was not just a manners course. Etiquette and protocol is not just for royalty. It’s so very applicable to the business world and it’s constantly evolving. At PSOW, you learn the parameters that will allow you to build successful professional and personal relationships.

What were some of your specific takeaways from your training? From learning how to properly introduce yourself, to being a more effective communicator, I obtained knowledge that has helped me sharpen my image and executive presence. The classes were dynamic and engaging and the energy and enthusiasm of my trainers inspired me.

How else has the training impacted your life? After completing my coursework, I made plans to become a protocol consultant and work with my brother who is an image consultant here in Toronto. To prepare, I have continued studying up on everything I learned, with the ultimate goal of becoming a full time consultant.

What kind of businesses do you and your brother plan to target? We hope to work with corporations, business executives and anyone who could personally benefit from image enhancement—basically, anyone who wishes to sharpen their interpersonal and communication skills. Specifically, I would like to work with immigrants who are new to Canada and to help them sharpen their skills that will enable them to find employment and make the transition into the corporate culture of this country.

What would you tell a prospective student thinking of attending a PSOW session? I would say that so many business people only concentrate on knowledge and education, but if people don’t like working with you, you will not succeed in life. That’s where PSOW can make a huge difference in your professional life.

Check out his winning video "Breaking Bad Etiquette"


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