Tune Into New Podcast Interview with Pamela Eyring: Featured on Top-Ranked HR & Leadership Podcast, HCI: Human Capital Innovations

In a new podcast interview with Dr. Jonathan Westover, host of HCI: Human Capital Innovations, Pamela Eyring discussed five timely tips for leaders to develop professional etiquette in their organizations to innovate teams.


Pamela is the president and owner of The Protocol School of Washington®, (www.psow.edu). She has more than four decades of public and private sector experience in operational protocol and educational development and extensive knowledge of U.S. and international practices and is a global thought leader in the etiquette and protocol industry.

In this top-ranked podcast for HR, innovation, leadership, culture and future of work topics, Pamela shared tactical advice on how to train team members to be self-aware and intentional on the types of relationships they want to build through interactions. She also discussed how to make each and every connection point transformational instead of feeling transactional, and why it’s still generally a good idea to start by being formal with a new introduction versus deferring to being on the casual side of communicating.

Whether interviewing for a new job or engaging with new business connections in your network, we recommend tuning in to learn how professional development in business etiquette is a timely skill to develop among your team members.


Listen on Apple podcasts, Podbean or engage with the podcast host on LinkedIn by watching the interview here.


SmartBrief Leadership Features Advice & Best Practices from Pamela Eyring on How to Leverage Professional Etiquette as a Competitive Advantage


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