National Protocol Officer Week - Graduate Profile: Wasim Ben Khadra

What makes a Protocol Officer the Most Valuable Player on a team? Protocol professionals are the first touchpoint for one’s country or organization, so that first interaction with them will either make it or break it! Since they are looking after the most important person/s, their role is as important as their VIP’s. I have seen it first hand with dignitaries, VIPs, and senior leaders from around the world; they won’t offer their hands to shake, accept that gift, or leave their airplanes unless and until they get the green light or receive that confident “go ahead” nod from their protocol advisors.

If you had to define a Protocol Officer in one word, what would it be and why? Ambassadors: for their countries, companies, and for themselves.

What is your most valuable protocol tool or resource? Global Road Warrior is a great website that is rich with content to help you be an informed global citizen. 


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