Six Ways to Show Real Appreciation on Boss’s Day

Do you ever wonder what happens to all the millions of “Happy Boss’s Day” coffee mugs, balloons or greeting cards that bosses around the world get year after year? No? Neither do we. But with the annual Boss’s Day celebration happening on Oct. 16, we wanted to offer up some alternative—and more thoughtful—ways to celebrate your workplace superior and to ensure your gift of gratitude is one that is treasured and remembered for years to come.

Say it with words: A handwritten note is one of the most meaningful ways you could ever show your appreciation to your boss. By recounting a favorite mentoring moment, showing gratitude for a boss helping you out during a family crisis, or expressing your appreciation for having someone who values you as an employee -- putting words to paper can leave a lasting impression and show how you really feel in a thoughtful manner.

A real keepsake: With landfills across the planet filled with those ubiquitous Happy Boss’s Day coffee mugs, gag gifts and deflated balloons, maybe it’s time to consider an upgrade in gifting. Think about a gift that someone would really keep, including local artwork, a gift certificate for a spa service, or maybe add to your boss’s collection of baseball cards, movie memorabilia or even a signed first edition from his or her favorite author. If you’re not sure, you may want to consult your boss’s significant other for some helpful hints. But remember, it doesn’t have to break the bank to be memorable and meaningful.

Plants/Flowers: Keeping allergies of your colleagues in mind, a nice gift of an air purifying plant (peace lily, spider palm or Areca palm) is the green way to say thanks to your boss. Flowers are also a consideration but stay away from those that may connote a romantic gesture like roses or something that may cause allergic reactions. Hint: the best flowers for allergy sufferers include lilies, tulips, hydrangea and iris.

A nice luncheon: A nice catered lunch brought into the office or a special outing to your boss’s favorite restaurant is always a nice way to show your appreciation. If you’re worried about cost, plan the meal with some coworkers and split the bill. Be sure to check with the manager or pull your wait person aside to ensure the bill does not get picked up by the boss!  

Special event: Is your boss a fan of Lady Gaga? Does he or she never miss an annual performance of The Nutcracker? Or is there a touring art exhibit at your local museum that is a “can’t miss” event? Then consider two tickets that will add a little culture to your boss’s life.

Two little words: Finally, the best gift is one of heartfelt appreciation. Beyond the handwritten note, actually take the time to pull your boss aside and say those same two little words of appreciation: thank you. Whatever you are thankful for, make sure your boss knows that she or he is appreciated and that you value being a member of the team.


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