Installing Manners…..Bring Your Manners to Work Day

When you take the time to load your computer or phone with the latest programs and apps, you not only help make your operating system run more efficiently, you also help make your life more efficient, too. The same principle can also be applied to “soft skills” that we can all “upload” into our own personal “hard drive” to enhance our professional relationships and to make our jobs easier. One of the most important soft skills that anyone can adapt is the use of manners.

To encourage more cohesive and collaborative working relationships as well as enhancing the overall level of respect and camaraderie at work, The Protocol School of Washington encourages career persons throughout the world to take note of our annual “Bring Your Manners to Work Day” to be recognized Friday, September 7. The following are some tips to bring your manners to work this day—and every day—to make sure your professional life is the best it can be.

Friendliness Most any part of a worker’s day can improve when a colleague offers up a smile, a caring word or a friendly face. We all face stress, deadlines and pressure on the job, but when someone takes the time to be friendly, it promotes a more collaborative and open environment for long-term success.

Reliability Being reliable makes you a very valuable asset in today’s workforce. From meeting deadlines to actual execution of what you said you were going to do, reliability not only enhances your reputation, it shows you value your colleagues and your job.

Onboarding Remember when you were the new girl or guy on the block? Starting a new job can be very intimidating for most anyone. But when you take the time to meet with a new employee, explain your role in the organization and offer yourself up as a valuable resource, you can establish the beginning of a terrific working relationship.

Staying Positive Even in the face of the most demanding days, being optimistic can get you and your coworkers through the hard times. It’s always easy to fall into a pessimistic state but remaining positive can help rally your colleagues and develop a new level of teamwork.

The Name Game No matter how large an organization is, knowing—and remembering —someone’s first name—no matter where they are on the corporate hierarchy—can do wonders for morale and creating authentic team players. Remember that beyond the titles, we’re all human beings that want and need to be respected.

Conflicts No matter where you work, conflict is bound to arise, even in the best companies. How we respond to contentious situations is another thing altogether. If you find yourself in conflict or have a disagreement, it’s always best to handle these situations in a private setting. That way, everyone avoids embarrassment and typically, the issue can be resolved much faster.

Staying Focused We all have lives outside of the professional setting and often, the two will overlap on company time. However, there are many times when we overindulge in the minutiae of our privates lives and become unfocused on our work. Do your best to always remember it’s called “work” for a reason and try to keep good boundaries between your personal and professional lives. Your coworkers and boss will appreciate it!

Listening One of the biggest causes of miscommunication is that we do not feel like we are being heard. Everyone wants their opinion to be heard and respected and taking the time to listen to the concerns, thoughts and opinions of your coworkers can go a long way in building relationships.

Being Timely This one is simple: Be on time. From arriving on time and being ready to work to not abusing your allocated time for lunch or breaks. Being on time shows respect for your company, your boss and your coworkers.

Class Act Finally, one of the best ways to display good manners on the job is to keep things classy. From ignoring office gossip to watching your language, good manners show you have class and that you respect those around you.

September 7, 2018 is Bring Your Manners to Work Day - A day to remind people of the importance of treating people with courtesy and respect in the workplace.


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