Champion of Civility: Jacqueline Viteri

This is how all started… Since I was a teenager I have attended several Etiquette Schools with the best professors in my country, Dominican Republic. I must say that even though it was my mom’s idea to learn “how to be a lady”, I’ve always been very concerned about good behavior. Later, my professional path went from the Advertising, Journalism, and the Communication world. 

Starting as a graduate as an Advertising Assistant at the Sun Sentinel newspaper (Miami, Fl.), then becoming the Communications Director of the Supreme Court for ten years (Dominican Republic), General Manager of an innovative TV channel (Salud TV/Health TV), and then working on my own, independently (2013). Managing my own time let me pursue new dreams, like study Law (graduating in November 2017) and circling back to the Etiquette field on an even more interesting level: Corporate Etiquette, attending The Protocol School of Washington. Developing myself in this unique educational institution has most definitely changed my world and vision of doing business. It's inspired me to move on to a higher level of working independent, representing myself.

Here are 11 points on how my life has changed since I became a Corporate Etiquette and International Consultant September 2015:

1. I have given 15 conferences about Corporate Etiquette at several universities and businesses (universities and schools). I let university students know about the importance of Corporate Etiquette in their future as professionals.

2. I am invited every week to multiple TV and radio shows to talk about Corporate and Modern Etiquette.

3. I have my own daily etiquette segment called “Glosas Protocolares” at a TV Channel (Market TV, channel 14).

4. I have a bi-­‐weekly column about Etiquette (Hablemos de Etiqueta) in a very high ranked national magazine: En Sociedad. Owned by the HOY national newspaper.

5. I have a weekly column about Etiquette in a children’s magazine called Tin Marín, also owned by HOY.

6. I also collaborate with the Listin Diario Newspaper, our leader national newspaper.

7. I am a founder member of the Santo Domingo Toastmaster Club, the first Toastmaster Club (open to the public) in the Dominican Republic. PSOW recommended us to become a member of this type of club to develop our public speaking and leadership skills and so I did and now I have the most talented and challenged Toastmasters friends. By the way, it is a bilingual club!

8. I was offered the opportunity to become a Professor at Iberoamericana University (UNIBE), Dominican Republic's leading private University, to teach “Presentation and Public Speaking Techniques”. This happened after they met me at one of my conferences.

9. I am the Founder and Editor in Chief at , a website about Corporate and Social Etiquette. I also have my personal blog: where I do storytelling about my “etiquette experiences”.

10. Four interviews about me and my “new career” have been featured in different national magazines.

11. And most important, I launched my Etiquette School: “Escuela de Etiqueta Jacqueline Viteri” last December. So far, we’ve had four graduations, several private corporate courses, two classes just started and four programmed for this summer. The school offers courses and seminars about business and social etiquette and promotes the ideals of proper etiquette, good manners and civil behavior.

We have an active presence in Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Youtube. Through daily active engagement it is easy for our clients to connect and find us. Our followers enjoy our messages, photos and experiences from different courses.

I must highlight that the school started with two classrooms that are named after the teacher/school that most impacted me: one is called Marina (my first etiquette trainer), and the second room is called Washington honoring the PSOW.

I must highlight that the school started with two classrooms that are named after the teacher/school that most impacted me: one is called Marina (my first etiquette trainer), and the second room is called Washington honoring the PSOW.

It’s only been a year and a half… and these are just the starting steps. The sky is the limit!

Jacqueline Viteri

Director, Jacqueline Viteri Etiquette School

2015 PSOW Graduate of Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant


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How to be “Champions of Civility” - some practical notes