Status Update: How to Rid Your Social Media of Toxic Behaviors

Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or any other brand new social platform or app to hit the market, human connectivity is evolving at an exponential rate. When we are online—someone, somewhere is watching what we’re doing, what we’re saying, and what we’re posting. Unfortunately, this type of ubiquitous exposure can sometimes negatively affect our professional image or a company where we are employed.

Because of the higher level of visibility social media brings to our lives, it’s important to apply the golden rules of etiquette, manners and respect to your online life just as you do in real life. This will help ensure you build and maintain your professional brand—and avoid online toxicity that is often associated with your digital image.

TMI: Social media is the perfect vehicle for the narcissist in all of us, with many users believing that we are the stars of our own little movie. But that doesn’t mean we are and not everyone is interested in the minutiae of our daily lives. Whether lamenting about missing out on the perfect parking space at the grocery store or sharing intimate secrets of a broken relationship, the simple fact of the matter is, no one really cares to read the constant details of your daily life. The same is true of people who complain about their job, their coworkers or a client. You should be very careful before sharing anything associated with your work life. Unless it is a positive and harmless staff picture or celebration, news about a promotion or something equally generic, do yourself a favor and edit your postings. A good rule of thumb? Before making a social media post related to your professional or personal life, ask yourself, “Is this an important detail that my coworkers, boss, clients, friends or family really need to know or is it TMI—too much information?”

Negativity: No one likes a Debbie Downer and online negativity can adversely influence both your personal and professional relationships. On personal social networks like Facebook and Twitter, posting negative comments online can be viewed as passive aggressive or simply mean-spirited. On professional platforms like LinkedIn, any postings that portray you as anything less than calm, cool and collected should never see the light of day. Further, more and more companies routinely search both personal and professional social sites as part of background checks for prospective employees (and to check up on current ones). You don’t want any negative posting that could ever brand you as uncooperative, uncollaborative or simply uncool.

Picture Imperfect: If a picture paints a thousand words, then an unflattering upload could paint you into a corner. Whether you’re chugging a bottle of champagne at your sister’s wedding or showing a bit too much skin in a party dress, an inappropriate photo can come back to haunt you, casting you in an unflattering light to everyone from your Grandmother to the head of HR at your company. So before you hit upload in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, think hard about what a particular photo can do to enhance or detract from your professional image.

Op/ed: Finally, we live in a very culturally diverse world and social media puts us into contact with a host of people who may not share our same views on religion, social issues, politics or intellectual interests. Variety is truly the spice of life, but not everyone has the same tastes. So even if you have a strong opinion about a particular issue or belief, you may want to consider saving your thoughts for the appropriate audience in real time you want to ensure they do not come across online as discriminatory or inflammatory, particularly in regards to race, gender, religion, sexuality and other hot button issues. By showing cross-cultural respect and tempering your comments, you can leave a professional impression that will last.


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