PSOW Visits Australia

Well, not really. But, in honor of Australia Day (January 26), the HQ office participated in making dishes native to Australia. We enjoyed Zucchini Slices, Shrimp on the Barbie and Bacon and Cheese Rolls. And, with the help of Global Road Warrior (an online digital subscription database packed with photos, maps and information on culture, customs and more on over 175 countries), we were able to even look up recipes and test them out. All were delicious!

A few facts we learned about Australia:

Business Style: Corporate culture in Australia tends to be highly egalitarian; executives often consult with employees at all levels—from top managers to hourly workers—before making important company decisions.

Business Meetings: Aussies value personal relationships and connections, as well as a healthy amount of self-confidence. When you meet with your counterparts, there's no need to over prepare—meetings are often regarded as forums for discussion and the generation of ideas. However, punctuality is crucial. The business dress is classy and conservative. Introductions will commence with a handshake and titles and surnames should be used, though you may find that your counterparts invite you to move to a first-name basis swiftly thereafter. The meeting will begin with small talk, probably about sports or Australia’s local treasures, but Australian businesspeople value a business meeting that is direct and brief.

Gift Giving: The unpretentious Australians enjoy giving and receiving gifts for many occasions but dislike preferential treatment and look upon extravagant gifts as an unwelcome attempt to impress. Small and understated presents, which leave the recipient under no obligation, are preferred. For a society concerned with relationships, the thought behind the gift is vastly more important than the gift itself.

Social Etiquette: Social etiquette in Australia has more to do with equality, and less to do with how you hold your fork.

Slang: A slab is 24-pack of beer. Woop woop is a made up name for a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. Flat out like a lizard drinking means extremely busy and under pressure from work. 

And our very own Aussie native, Jesse taught us that a nappy is a diaper, thongs are flip flops and there are a plethora of uses for her amazing papaw fruit ointment! 

Source: Global Road Warrior Digital Subscription


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