Meet Jeannie Vaage

Meet Jeannie Vaage - Graduation Date: October 2013 Why did you initially come to PSOW? I was aware of its outstanding international reputation as a school for etiquette training.

What was your biggest take-away? I think it was the pride that I left the course with. Now when I speak of my training and services, it is with pride and confidence. Also, being a teacher for 30 years, I was very aware of the expertise the presentations were given with. 

Are you consulting: full-time, part-time, or within your company or organization? As I have just started my company VIP Protocol, much of my time has been involved in the startup. I am doing this as a full-time endeavor. 

What does your typical day look like now? 3 hours of business promotion, 2-4 hours research and prep. My days vary, I have hosted some one-evening crash courses and try to do at least two of these a month. 

What is the best part of having your own business/consultancy? It enables me to be flexible with regards to the various areas of social and corporate etiquette. This can mean everything from giving seminars, speeches and presentations on the many different aspects that clients are interested in. 

How long did it take for you to get your business “off the ground?”I am still getting my business “off the ground” and am always excited to see it levitate a little more each day. What was the scariest part of starting your own business? The scariest part is promoting myself and my work to services to people that have never considered this type of consultant work. Also, preparing promotional materials website etc. has and continues to be quite daunting. 

How long have you been in business? 8 months. 

What are your favorite things to teach? I love the etiquette both corporate and social. I have recently done two dining seminars and those have been very satisfying because at the end of the sessions it is obvious to all attending how much the students have learned. I especially like the end of the dining tutorial when they all wipe the corners of their mouths with their napkins. They look around at each other and just beam because they are all doing it right and they know it!. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I believe I will have secured a very secure reputation in my city (Edmonton) and my province (Alberta). I hope to have a well-qualified and educated staff in my company, and my intention is to send them to The Protocol School of Washington. 

What advice would you give to those who are considering taking the Train to be a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant course? My advice is to study your etiquette rules and acquaint yourself with as much protocol knowledge as possible, before you attend. This way, when you are in class at PSOW, you will get even more from the expertise of PSOW. 

Website: Twitter: @vipprotocol


What is the best part of having your own business/consultancy?


"What was the scariest part of starting your own business?" : PSOW grads tell their story.