Meet Protocol Professional Joe Tello

What is your proudest moment as a protocol officer? My proudest moment as a protocol officer. In 2010, I was in charge of a retirement ceremony for an Admiral from the U.S. Navy. I worked for the Admiral for 8 years. During that time, I was entrusted with coordinating his schedule and daily activities. I was his gatekeeper who guarded the admiral from unscheduled interruptions and I traveled with him and advised him on etiquette and protocol issues when dealing with foreign militaries. I kept him out of trouble and advised him of potential mishaps. 

When he retired from the Navy, it was like watching your own child grow-up and go out on their own. I would no longer be able to protect him and shield him from the world. Why do you love protocol? Being a protocol officer allows you an in depth look at the differences you can make in people's lives. Pictured are the Admiral’s parents as they watch their son retire from a 37 year career in the Navy. Over 1000 guests have attend his retirement ceremony. What do you wish you would have known when you were a “newbie”? When starting your protocol career. It is okay to make a mistake and learn from it. Nothing is ever perfect. Joe Tello International Chief Protocol Officer Department of Navy, Office of Naval Research


The 10 Protocol Essentials


Meet Protocol Professional Fitzgerald Heslop!