Our 2018 NPOW Winner Interview: Duja Muhanna
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Our 2018 NPOW Winner Interview: Duja Muhanna

As we once again celebrate National Protocol Officers Week (March 24-March 30) we talk with Duja Muhanna, the winner of last year’s PSOW contest. Duja reflects on the complimentary protocol training she received and discusses the important role protocol continues to play in today’s world.

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Abracadabra! Exposing the Magic of Protocol Professionals!
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Abracadabra! Exposing the Magic of Protocol Professionals!

From Harry Houdini to David Copperfield, magicians have fascinated generations of audiences throughout time with their ability to create illusions, use sleight of hand and pull off many a trick to make mysterious and mind-boggling marvels. Here at The Protocol School of Washington, we also believe in magic, especially when it comes to protocol professionals who work behind the scenes to properly plan and orchestrate VIP visits, ceremonies, meetings and special events on local, regional and international stages. So, what makes protocol professionals so magical? Just follow along (and pay no attention to the man —or woman—behind the curtain)!

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Top 9 Reasons to Attend PSOW’s Global Summit
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Top 9 Reasons to Attend PSOW’s Global Summit

In celebration of The Protocol School of Washington’s 30th anniversary, we are hosting the 2019 Global Education Summit, August 21-24, 2019 at The Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC. This special event provides one of the most exciting educational summits of its kind with a diverse program of educational sessions and presentations by accomplished industry experts focusing on the most important aspects of global diplomacy. Whether or not you are a graduate of our School, this is an incredible opportunity to meet, learn and network with others inspired to create professional relationships through cultural understanding, communication and respect!

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Resolve to Follow These Gym Etiquette Rules in the New Year
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Resolve to Follow These Gym Etiquette Rules in the New Year

The first month of the new year is full of new resolutions, new meal plans and more new gym membership purchases than probably any other time of the year. The beginning of the year is the time so many people attend a fitness facility for the first time or maybe, restarting last year’s resolution! We thought it was also a good time to start another resolution that might make keeping a fitness routine a bit easier—following good gym etiquette rules.

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Holiday Travel Etiquette Tips
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Holiday Travel Etiquette Tips

When it comes to holiday travel, flying the friendly skies might not be as friendly as it once was. In 2017, the International Air Transport Association reported there was a 50 percent rise in air rage incidents—with 169 passengers forcibly confined for bad behavior, ranging from verbal abuse to life-threatening situations such as attempting to storm the cockpit. Of course, traveling in any season can be stressful, but with so many year-end deadlines, family visits and weather delays, holiday travel can be particularly harrowing. To help make your upcoming travels as stress free as possible for yourself and your fellow travelers, consider these travel etiquette tips that will keep everyone in the spirit of the season.

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Holiday Tipping Guide
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Holiday Tipping Guide

Did you know that the tradition of tipping dates back to the 17th century? The practice first gained prominence when overnight guests at private homes would provide a sum of money, known as vails, to the host’s servants for services that had been performed or that were expected. The practice of tipping soon flourished with London coffeehouses and other commercial establishments soon adopting the practice. From that point in history until today, tipping is an expected monetary gift that is connected to service, particularly in such industries as hospitality, personal care and, yes, coffeehouses.

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How to be the Perfect Thanksgiving Guest
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How to be the Perfect Thanksgiving Guest

Did you know the first Thanksgiving was held nearly 400 years ago in 1621? It was a big party too…lasting 3 days with more than 150 guests made up of Pilgrims and members of the Wampanoag tribe. No matter the length of your meal, here are some basic rules of etiquette to help make sure you’re the perfect guest.

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The Art of Mentoring
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The Art of Mentoring

As a seasoned professional, you know what it takes to be successful. You’ve worked hard climbing that proverbial career ladder, learning the dos and don’ts in the workplace. As a result, your business acumen is top notch. Your communication skills are excellent. You manage deadlines with aplomb. You take initiative – and your boss couldn’t survive without you. In short, you’re indispensable!

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When You Are the Guest and Not the Protocol Officer
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When You Are the Guest and Not the Protocol Officer

Recently, my husband and I were selected to represent South Carolina as a donor family at the Donate Life Transplant Games of America in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our 20-year-old son, Jacob, who died 13 October 2015, was a donor. Our sponsor, Sharing Hope, is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing organ and tissue transplantation and research in South Carolina. Moreover, they provided us with grief counseling and education on the contribution of our son’s donations.

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Installing Manners…..Bring Your Manners to Work Day
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Installing Manners…..Bring Your Manners to Work Day

When you take the time to load your computer or phone with the latest programs and apps, you not only help make your operating system run more efficiently, you also help make your life more efficient, too. The same principle can also be applied to “soft skills” that we can all “upload” into our own personal “hard drive” to enhance our professional relationships and to make our jobs easier. One of the most important soft skills that anyone can adapt is the use of manners.

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Interview with Madelyn Ridgeway - 2018 National Business Etiquette Week Winner
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Interview with Madelyn Ridgeway - 2018 National Business Etiquette Week Winner

Madelyn Ridgeway, a wife, mom and event planner living in Waterloo, IA is the latest winner of our National Business Etiquette Week contest. This year’s contest asked entrants to explain why they would like to be the next Business Etiquette Superstar and Madelyn impressed us with her career trajectory and reasons for entering the etiquette field. Learn more about Madelyn below—our next Etiquette Superstar!

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Flag Etiquette: How to Show your Respect for our Nation’s Most Beloved Symbol of Freedom
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Flag Etiquette: How to Show your Respect for our Nation’s Most Beloved Symbol of Freedom

At 240 years old this year, Old Glory certainly lives up to its name and we will once again have the honor of displaying our nation’s “Stars and Stripes” to commemorate the upcoming Independence Day holiday. But before you raise your red, white and blue on July 4, make sure you are up on your flag etiquette to ensure you are paying your proper respects to one of our nation’s most respected symbols.

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Meet Gisela Kloess, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR
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Meet Gisela Kloess, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Gisela Kloess is a 2015 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

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Meet Caroline Avinger
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Meet Caroline Avinger

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Caroline Avinger is a 2009 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

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Meet Odette Charles
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Meet Odette Charles

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW), we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Odette Charles is a 2017 graduate of PSOW. Here's what she shared with us!

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Meet Shanna Ullmann, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR
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Meet Shanna Ullmann, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Shanna Ullmann is a 2007 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

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Meet Nancy Imbs
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Meet Nancy Imbs

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Nancy Schnoebelen Imbs is a 2016 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

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Meet Kelly Goering, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR
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Meet Kelly Goering, "PSOW Walk of Fame" STAR

In honor of National Business Etiquette Week (NBEW) June 3-9, 2018, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a better understanding of our graduates and the amazing things they are doing! Kelly Goering is a 2016 graduate of PSOW, Here's what she shared with us!

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